Interested in having your child baptized?
We are excited to witness the first moments of your child’s relationship with Jesus and His Church, through the Sacrament of Baptism.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism monthly and there are few steps you will need to take to get this journey started. Please review each step below, and follow the links to complete the necessary paperwork. For more information, contact Shannon Henson or you may call 903-893-5148.
If you are planning to have your baby baptized in the Catholic faith, please follow these steps:
- To request Baptism at St. Mary’s the family should ordinarily be members of the parish.
- Infant Baptism is for children from 0-6 years of age.
- Complete the Sacristy Record of Baptism Form.
- Attach a copy of the child’s original Birth Certificate to the form.
- Attend a Baptism Preparation Class. You must pre-register for the class. Class is limited to 20 people.
- Both parents and godparents are asked to take a Baptism Preparation Class. These classes are offered through St. Mary’s once a month. Registration forms are available online and through the Parish Office. You may be considered exempt from taking the class if you have taken a Baptism Preparation class within the last year.
- Forms for registering for the Baptism Preparation Class are available online and must be received with payment prior to the scheduled class. Each class is limited in size, so please register early. Spanish Baptismal Preparation classes are offered on the 3rd Wednesday of most months from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Parish Center. There is a $25 per child class fee which will cover materials for parents and godparents. Adults only, please. Childcare is not available.
- Choose a Godparent or Godparents according to the Guidelines for Godparents.
All required letters and outstanding forms must be in the church office PRIOR to scheduling a date for baptism class. For more information, contact Shannon Henson or you may call 903-893-5148.
Children who have reached the “age of discretion” (7-years-old) must be initiated using the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, adapted for children (RCIC).
If you wish to have your child (over the age of seven) baptized, please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator, Dawn Purcell for more information.
Adults seeking baptism need to proceed through the Rite of Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program with the assumption that their baptism in the Catholic Church signifies their desire to become Catholic as well. RCIA will prepare the adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, and Reconciliation. Please contact Joan Smith and Pam Deffibaugh if you are interested in this program.