Fall Fest
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St. Mary’s Fall Fest 2023 Silent Auction will have items available for electronic bidding and paper bidding.  The electronic bidding will start at 8:00 am on Thursday, October 26th and will end at 8:15 pm on Saturday, October 28th.  Paper bidding will be only the day of the Fall Fest on Saturday, October 28th from noon to 8:15 pm.  To participate in the electronic bidding please go to the link below or scan the QR code and create an account to begin bidding.  Thanks for your generosity in supporting St. Mary’s Catholic Church.


Enter to win! $2 each or 6 for $10

1. $1000 Visa Gift Card

2. $750 Visa Gift Card

3. $500 Visa Gift Card

4. Flat Top Grill

5. 65” Smart TV

6. 50 lbs. assorted Wagyu/Charolais Bee

7. Apple iPad 8. Apple Watch

Dessert Bake-off

Come one, come all to the St. Mary’s Parish Fall Fest Dessert Bake-off! Do you have a secret family recipe for the best apple pie or chocolate cake? Or maybe you’ve been experimenting with some new flavors and want to show off your skills? Whatever your specialty, we want to taste it!

Join us on Saturday, October 28th from 12 pm-2 pm for an afternoon of delicious treats and friendly competition. The Dessert Bake-off is open to all ages and skill levels, so don’t be shy. Enter your dessert for a chance to win some great prizes and bragging rights for the year.